Stockroom Selection

The Stockroom Selection is a collection of works held by The Ken Done Gallery, and currently available for sale.

If you are interested in a particular work or would like further information, please contact us at the gallery +61 2 8274 4599, or email [email protected].

Liner under the bridge

Liner under the bridge, 11/2024

Model with orange flower

Model with orange flower, 2005

Early light I

Early light I, 2012

Garden by the sea V

Garden by the sea V, 2013

Red fish

Red fish, 2018


Chinamans, 2022

A surprisingly hot Saturday

A surprisingly hot Saturday, 2018

Looking at some boats

Looking at some boats, 2006

Morocco view

Morocco view, 1999

A room in Morocco

A room in Morocco, 1999

Kitchen door II

Kitchen door II, 2005

Still life with green cup

Still life with green cup, 2002

Judy on the sea wall, 3 kayaks

Judy on the sea wall, 3 kayaks, 2000

Violet nude

Violet nude, 2023

Sydney dreaming

Sydney dreaming, 2007

Middle garden 2

Middle garden 2, 11, 2020

Model and flowers II

Model and flowers II, 1998

Mauve sea and orange trees

Mauve sea and orange trees, 2010

Boogie woogie reef

Boogie woogie reef, 2020

Thursday race

Thursday race, 2019

Just looking at some nice colours

Just looking at some nice colours, 2020